Brett Lettiere and his students have invested countless hours preparing interactive vocabulary lessons using Hot Potatoes and PowerPoint. The collection is quite substantial, as it encompasses hundreds of words and Latin/Greek stems. The primary software he uses is from Half Baked and has been the buzz around the social networks.
Hot Potatoes is a freeware suite that includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence,crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web.

In short, Lettiere has provided Argo high school with an invaluable technological tool to enhance and reinforce their education. Kudos to him and his students!
Thousands of educators across the country are discovering innovative ways to teach our children through the use of technology. What are you doing in your classroom? In our networked world, the possibilities are endless!
The web address listed in this post has been changed to It is the same website that argo hosted for years.